Wednesday, January 4, 2012

District 308 B1 Youth Essential Skill Camp 2011

Date : 8th December 2011- 11th December 2011
Venue: Kem Bina Semangat, Kuala Kubu Baru
Members Present : Leo Maggie, Leo Kan Sha

The 4-day-3-night YES Camp was organized by the Lions Club International District 308-B1 and it was led by the Organizing Chairperson, Lion Lim Meng Sheng, assisted by DG Lion Dr Ben C.Ng, Lion Denny Lim, Lion Wong Chooi Chen, Lion Ching Qwee Fong, Lion Sashekala and Lion Mei Lin. There were 12 facilitators from the Omega Leo Clubs in District 308-B1.Total of 114 campers participated in LION YES CAMP 2011. The objective of this camp was to develop youth essential skills and life values for the campers.
 All campers arrived in the campsite at about 10.00 am on Thursday morning, and the camp officially began at 11.00 am during the opening ceremony by Lion Lim Meng Sheng and DG Lion Dr Ben C.Ng. Throughout the whole camp, the Organizing Committee focused on the 12 essential keys/values, and conducted 4 separate presentation sessions, with each session tackling 3 different keys. Lion Dr. Ben, Lion Ching and Lion Sashekala were responsible for presenting the various keys throughout the sessions. There were also outdoor activities and team building games to bring the campers closer, and also inculcate some of these values in them in the process. The campers had a lot of fun as they were exposed to outdoor activities such as 'Flying Fox', 'Obstacle Course' and 'Rafting'.

Leo Kan Sha & Leo Maggie was assigned as group facilitator for group 5 & group 6 respectively. Leo Kan Sha take charge of the session light exercise and Leo Maggie take charge in the Team Building games.  A group facilitator is charged to oversee the progress of the group, as well as maintaining order in the group. The event officially ended on the 11th December at 1.00pm, after the closing ceremony. The campers left from the campsite at 2.00pm.

Tree Planting at Seksyen 7 Lake

Date : 18th December 2011 (Saturday)
Time : 8am to 12pm
Venue: Seksyen 7 Lake, Shah Alam
Members Present : Leo Kok Yi,Leo Joshua, Leo Sheng Wei, Leo Teddy, Leo Kan Sha

Total 5 Leo’s from Leo Club of KL Unity participated in the Tree Planting activity organized by Eco Warriors and MBSA sponsored by various NGO, & companies including main sponsor Maxis. Sister Club, SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Leo May Yee was there too.

The event was grace by Shah Alam Mayor Dato’s Haji Mohd Jaafar, there were a short performance by a group of kindergarten kids. Before the start of Tree Planting, a short briefing was done by Mr. Moorthy, from the briefing, total of 3000 trees required to plan on around the lake. There were more than 300 Volunteers there to help.
We were assigned to join District 308 B2 Lions Clubs to plant more than 100 trees at the area given.  With the second time participating in the Tree Planting with Eco Warriors, we were able to plant more than 20 trees. Together with the help of Lions Club from District B2, we were managed to plants 100 trees.

The event ended at 12pm and refreshment was serve and everyone when back at 1pm.