Monday, August 15, 2011

23rd “Give Blood, Save Life” Blood Donation Campaign

23rd “Give Blood, Save Life” Blood Donation Campaign

Date: 7th August 2011

Time: 2pm to 4pm

Venue: Thean Hou Temple, KL

Leos Present: Leo Kan Sha

Leo Hours: 1 x 2 Hours = 2 Leo Hours

Leo Kan Sha attended the Blood Donation Campaign on the 7th August held in Thean Hou Temple. The event started at 9am to 4pm. This blood donation campaign was organized by 25 Association included Lion Clubs as well. Total 11 Lions Club and 7 Leo Clubs attended for this event. They even provide free Taxi service for those who donated blood.

He were there from 2pm to 4pm and help up in the registration part. He even donated blood for this event. Donating blood is the main activity, but there is also eye screening and Chinese herb corner on stage. There were lucky draw for those who donated their blood and hamper to distribute to those who donated 30 times or more blood.

After the event ended, there were group picture with the organizing team, the blood donation first aid team. The organizer then announce total blood collected was 634 which they targeted 800 did not achieve this year.

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