Sunday, March 24, 2013

Get Together with Twinning Club at Penang

Fellowship with Twinning Club – Leo Club of Tanjung Penang

Date: 18th November 2012(Sunday)
Time:  9.00p.m. – 12.00a.m.
Venue: PIKNIK, Penang

KL Unity Members -Leo Kok Yi, Peir Ee, Maggie, Jie Lin, Sheng Wei & Eong Xien were in Penang on the 18th of November 2012. They met up with Twinning Club Leo Jocelyn and Leo Zin Yi at PIKNIK, Penang. 

They were introduced to 2 other Leos from Leo Club of Penang City. They had a great time catching up with different topic. After the drinking session, the Penang Leo's brought them to the well-known Penang Street Art to capture some nice graphic. 

In the meanwhile, They also meet up with Leo Bo from Leo Club of City West. They all when back to rest at 12am.

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