Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Leo Club of Tanjung, Penang 20th Platinum Anniversary & 21st Installation Ceremony

Leo Club of Tanjung Penang 20th Platinum Anniversay & Twinning Dinner
21st Installation Ceremony 
(District 308 - B2 Malaysia)

Date :  17th August 2013
Time  : 7.30pm 
Venue  : Flamingo Beach Hotel

Members present 
Leo Maggie
Leo Joshua
Leo Sheng Wei
Leo Kan Sha

Leo Club of KL Unity attended their twinning sister club Leo Club of Tanjung, Penang 20th Platinum Anniversary & 21st Installation Ceremony on the 17th August 2013 at Flamingo Beach Hotel. Total 4 members presented for this event. It was Leo Club of Tanjung, Penang Anniversary cum KL Unity and Tanjung, Penang 10th Twinning Anniversary since 1998. KL Unity President, Leo Maggie gave her address speech during the event. 

The event started off with Welcoming address by Organizing Chairperson, Immediate past president, Leo Rainnie Choo and also Incoming Leo President, Leo Saw Jong Shan. 

Initiation & installation Ceremony was conducted to induct new members and install BOD 2013/2014. 
Initiation Ceremony
Installation BOD 2013/2014
Birthday Cake Cutting
Last speech was given by Sponsoring Lion Club President Lion Choo Eng Hin. Cake cutting ceremony and Souvenir Presentation was next. Right after meeting was called to Adjourned, dinner and social started. 

KL Unity and Tanjung, Penang Group picture

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