Monday, March 7, 2011

Leo Club of KL Unity 15th Anniversary Dinner - August 2010

Date                                     :          28th August 2010 (Saturday)
Time                                     :          7pm to 11pm
Venue                                   :          Armada Hotel

We Leo Club of KL Unity celebrated our 15th Anniversary Dinner on the 28th August 2010, at Amarda Hotel, PJ. People who attended our Anniversary Dinner were Lions club of KL North, Our Sister Club, Leos from SMK Jinjang, and SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, others Leo clubs and invited guests.

Event started at 7.45pm with Leo Joshua and Leo Maggie was MC of the day.

Event when on with slideshow displaying 15 years of KL Unity pass and present memory, OC Leo Eong Xien, President Leo Wei Keat and sponsoring club KL North President Lion Wesley gave their own speech respectively.  

Presenting of momento & retire of KL Unity old was done by Leo Wei Keat. Birthday cake was then presented and cutting ceremony was done with all KL Unity members with Lion Club of KL North Lions. 

Cutting cake ceremony
Overall dinner organized by the hotel was perfect. Performance that night was wonder girls dance, solo singing and group singing. 

Leo Eong Xien is performing with KL Unity Members. 

Group picture with EVERYONE!!

 Event ended at 11pm. 

KL Unity  Leo Group Picture

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