Friday, May 6, 2011


Date                                       :          16th April 2011 (Saturyday)
Time                                      :          2pm to 4pm
Venue                                    :          Sungai Way IT Centre

2011-04-16 - This is our 3rd installment of the IT Skills Class Project. Today, we went back to basic typing skills as tried to force the students to adapt to the home key posture. We want them to maintain a good habit and as this would help them a lot when they progress later. We also did a refresher on the Microsoft Word lessons from Lesson 2, and gave the students a new set of classwork to work on.

Teaching the proper hand placement

Leo Eong Xien witht the student...

We noticed that many of the students have adopted the Home Key posture and even though they're slower than the previous week, at least they are doing it right! As they say, speed is a by-product of accuracy. Class end and next class in two weeks’ time. 

Group Picture after class


Date                                       :          2nd of April 2011 (Saturyday)
Time                                      :          2pm to 4pm
Venue                                    :          Sungai Wy IT Centre

2011-04-02 - This is our 2nd instalment of the IT Skills Class Project. Today, we started off with basic typing skills as we try to teach them to learn the basic hand movement on typing the alphabet.
We noticed that many of the students have adopted the Home Key posture which they slowing picture up from the 1st class last two weeks, they doing it step by step! 

We then started off with Microsoft Word lessons, and show the student about Microsoft word and the use of it. The class ended at 4 and student when back. Next class in two weeks’ time.

Leo Joshua Explaining what is it all about? 

Leo Joshua showing step by step... 

Leo Joshua guiding them how to use...

Leo Jie Lin with the Students

Leo Peir Ee with the students

Mrs Omar and her kids

Group Picture with the Student.

Student with their Parents

Month of April

As the month of April 2011 start, we always think of our monthly General Meeting first Saturday. 
But for this month, we had our General Election for term 2011/2012 and below picture is the New BOD 2011/2011. 

INCOMING BOD 2011/2012

President: Leo Heng Kok Yi
Vice President 1: Leo Oh Kan Sha
Vice President 2: Leo Teddy Tjahyadi
Secretary: Leo Tan Peir Ee
Treasurer: Leo Teh Jie Lin
Directors (4 Directors. Exact designation will be appointed by board before 1st BOD meeting):
Leo Maggie Tan
Leo Peggy Kow
Leo Wong Yi Shan
Leo Yuki Tham

To all the incoming BODs, congratulations on your appointment and all the best with the club's undertakings for upcoming year! As for the rest of the Leos, please lend your full support to the Leos above as it will help them lead the club to another year of success!

To the outgoing BODs, great job on making this year a fruitful one! Please ensure the handover duties in the next few months will be a smooth one and the incoming BODs are comfortable with their duties.

Here's a toast to a brilliant year ahead. Cheers everybody! Roar roar roar!


Leo Eong Xien