Saturday, April 14, 2007

April GM and Election

This afternoon, we had our long-awaited General Meeting and Election.

The turnout was very good with only 7 members absent. Even the club Uncle, Leo Thuan Teck was present :)
Some people were very diligently hiding their face reading the minutes :)
After the meeting adjourned, the company proceeded with the Elections.
The results? *drumroll*

The Board Elect of fiscal year 2007/2008

Prez: Leo Kimberly Mak

V. Prez: Leo Jin Joe

Secretary: Leo Sheng Wei

Treasurer: Leo Hui Ying

Directors: Leo Ivan, Leo Guo Zhang and Leo Tze Yoong.

Congratulations to all and Best Wishes :)


p/s: a copy of the meeting minutes are available on the right sidebar. please help yourself!

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