Friday, March 29, 2013

February 2013- IT Class for Kids @ Sungai Way

5th IT Class 2012/2013

Date: 2nd February 2013(Saturday)
Time: 2.00p.m. – 4.00p.m.
Venue : Seri Setia IT Room @ Sungai Way Community Centre

It was the 5th IT class of 2012/2013 and in this class we thought the kids to basic Power Point skills. It is done so they have a rough idea on what presentation is like and presentation are widely use in higher education as well as when they come out to work.

Joshua teaching the kids how to create a blank document.

 Kids practicing Power Point.

Class facilitators helping the kids to navigate the user interface of Powe Point. 

After class not forgetting basic hygiene and habit, once again the kids clean up before leaving the room.

Before the kids leave, we took a group picture



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